Cold Rolling Mills CR Rolling MillsRs 8,00,00,000 / PieceAutomation Grade: AutomaticI Deal In: New OnlyLocation: Pan IndiaPayment Mode: Online/OfflineCountry of Origin: Made in India Minimum Order Quantity: 01 PieceAutomation Grade: AutomaticI Deal In: New OnlyLocation: Pan IndiaPayment Mode: Online/OfflineCountry of Origin: Made in India Packaging Details: packed with good packing material.Packaging Details: packed with good packing material.The cold rolling mill is used to pass hot-rolled coils produced from the hot rolling mill between two rotating rolls and produce products of the desired thickness. The cold rolling process provides a more refined surface, improved mechanical properties and excellent thickness product precision. Cold rolling mills are largely divided into the TCM (Tandem Cold Rolling Mill) and the RCM (Reversing Cold Rolling Mill). In the TCM, material passes 5 or 6 rolling mills continuously to obtain the desired thickness, while in the RCM, material passes a single rolling mill multiple times.Each rolling mill is designed to ensure extreme flexibility and to adapt the deformation process to the material, to optimize the mechanical characteristics of the end product. A winning tool of the company is the total modularity of the multi-stand tandem rolling mills, customizable according to specific requests, even combining rolling and forming units to obtain rolled/formed products.Each rolling mill is designed to ensure extreme flexibility and to adapt the deformation process to the material, to optimize the mechanical characteristics of the end product. A winning tool of the company is the total modularity of the multi-stand tandem rolling mills, customizable according to specific requests, even combining rolling and forming units to obtain rolled/formed products.know more23778043497Get Best PriceCall Now Cold Rolling Mill EquipmentRs 5,00,00,000 / unitRolled Shape: FlatAutomation Grade: AutomaticProduction Capacity: 3-6 ton/day, 6-10 ton/day, 1-3 ton/dayPower: ACI Deal In: New Only Rolled Shape: FlatAutomation Grade: AutomaticProduction Capacity: 3-6 ton/day, 6-10 ton/day, 1-3 ton/dayPower: ACI Deal In: New OnlyCountry of Origin: Made in India Hertz Controls (India) Pvt. Ltd. is introducing our new Product Cold Rolling Mill. The Cold Rolling Mills are used for reducing the thickness of sheet/ strip/ coils of various metals to the desired thickness and to improve various properties like surface finish, strength, thickness tolerances and achieving required hardness like full hard, half hard, quarter hard etc. Normally, these mills are made in 4Hi, 2Hi and 6Hi configurations The machines are designed in compliance with advanced technological standards in order to achieve better formability, finish, precise dimensions and strength of the material. Various parts of the mill like the Rolls, Housings, Gear Box, Screw Down and drive system are matched properly to give optimum performance with minimal down time in maintenance and repairs. In reversing cold mills the tension reels are placed on both ends of a single- or two-mill-stand arrangement. Due to the reversing rolling passes, production efficiency is lower than that of a tandem mill. However, because the rolling parameters can be quickly changed for each coil, reversing cold mills are especially suitable for the small-lot production of various product types. The size of the mill equipment is also smaller, which allows easier access to mill equipment and machinery for maintenance purposes. Due to their simpler design, reversing mills can be more easily stopped and restarted. They are also less expensive to purchase and operate.know more25429452533Get Best PriceCall Now Cold Rolling MillRs 8,00,00,000 / PieceAutomation Grade: AutomaticI Deal In: New OnlyPayment mode: Online/OfflineLocation: Pan IndiaCountry of Origin: Made in India Minimum Order Quantity: 01 PieceAutomation Grade: AutomaticI Deal In: New OnlyPayment mode: Online/OfflineLocation: Pan IndiaCountry of Origin: Made in India Packaging Details: packed with good packing materialPackaging Details: packed with good packing materialREVERSING COLD MILL In reversing cold mills the tension reels are placed on both ends of a single- or two-mill-stand arrangement. Due to the reversing rolling passes, production efficiency is lower than that of a tandem mill. However, because the rolling parameters can be quickly changed for each coil, reversing cold mills are especially suitable for the small-lot production of various product types. The size of the mill equipment is also smaller, which allows easier access to mill equipment and machinery for maintenance purposes. Due to their simpler design, reversing mills can be more easily stopped and restarted. They are also less expensive to purchase and operate. TECHNOLOGY Single-stand reversing cold mills Depending on the product mix, a single-stand cold rolling mill can deliver rolling capacities of 100,000 to 400,000 t/a. Rolling schedules can be carried out with an even or odd number of passes to maximize mill availability and performance. The Universal Crown Control mill (UCM mill) with work roll bending, intermediate roll bending, intermediate roll shifting and all straight roll application ensure enhanced flatness control. Also strip flatness measuring equipment mounted at one or both ends of the mill combined with multi-zone work-roll cooling to meet the highest demands for flatness. Main 6HI Reversing cold mills High production capacity and yield Flexible, low-cost rolling of a wide range of products, especially for small order lots Tight strip thickness and shape tolerances Minimum off-gauge length High surface quality Second stand can serve as a skin pass millknow more25429437773Get Best PriceCall Now Cold Rolling MillsRs 5,00,00,000 / UnitProduction Capacity: 10 TonAutomation Grade: AutomaticPhase: 3 PhaseCountry of Origin: Made in India Production Capacity: 10 TonAutomation Grade: AutomaticPhase: 3 PhaseCountry of Origin: Made in India We are leading manufacturer and supplier of Cold Rolling Mills all over India at very reasonable prices with best quality.know more2855155124762Get Best PriceCall Now
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